五拾画廊 浮世絵コレクション!|fifty-gallery

開廊時間11:00~19:00 休廊:日・月・祝日 Open 11:00 to 19:00 Closed SUN, MON, National holiday



Home > News & Topics > 1月3週 営業日のお知らせ

1月3週 営業日のお知らせ




We will be temporarily closed on Thursday, 1/18 this week.
Other days will be normal business hours, closed on Sundays, Mondays and national holidays.

We have started to distribute the 2024 catalog! This year…again, the contents are more extensive than in previous years.

If you would like to receive a copy, please send us a request using the inquiry form on our website, indicating your name and address. (Only in Japan. Free of charge)

1月3週 営業日のお知らせ